Bohemian Grove Infiltration (Part 2)

Bohemian Grove Infiltration (Part 2)

He did it again! Very impressive. Starts off finding the parking trollies and fire truck. This one says "Osprey" "The Owl" "Owl Druid" If you played a spot the…
Jan 6 Was An Inside Job

Jan 6 Was An Inside Job

(Epoch) <-- This will give information about the Jan 6th false-flag operation which was used to prevent the constitutional challenges to and certification of electoral votes where Trump would have…
Seattle Bike Blockade Protestors Protected By Corrupt Cops

Seattle Bike Blockade Protestors Protected By Corrupt Cops

 On Nov 11th, Anti-Palistinian protestors blocked traffic and the cops approved because it is more important to "raise awareness by making your life a little uncomfortable" Original Video
bUt cHeMtRaILs aRe a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY

bUt cHeMtRaILs aRe a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY

US Military Biological Agent Testing. ONE PLANE with TWO WING-TANKS: #Chemtrails— Agent131711 (@Agent131711) November 13, 2023 US Military Biological Agent Testing. ONE PLANE with TWO WING-TANKS:
Steven Crowder Hates Nazis

Steven Crowder Hates Nazis

And so do we <3 See... was that so hard? Steven crowder as part of his breaking of the first 3 pages of the Nashville shooter manifesto mentioned something that…
The Real Insurrection

The Real Insurrection

You may have noticed that any semblance of the definition of Democracy by the full blown Uniparty occupying the U.S. Capitol is a twisted merging of propaganda, gaslighting, and feigned…
Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA

Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA

Tyranny is here. The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And…