Does Nicotine Gum Really Work?

Does Nicotine Gum Really Work?

If you are an avid researcher, you know there is disinformation out there. Purposefully produced to cause wonder, questions and then an abhorrent disbelief from that source or anyone who…
The Real Insurrection

The Real Insurrection

You may have noticed that any semblance of the definition of Democracy by the full blown Uniparty occupying the U.S. Capitol is a twisted merging of propaganda, gaslighting, and feigned…
Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA

Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA

Tyranny is here. The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And…
Police State 3: Total Enslavement

Police State 3: Total Enslavement

We Face the Greatest Evil Ever Seen ...a systematically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman, and child. It's time to wake up to the facts: The U.S.…
Police State 2: The Takeover

Police State 2: The Takeover

Police State II: The Takeover – Alex Jones Exposes the Cycle of Fear & Reaction Being Used to Paralyze the Public The looming specter of terrorism has become the ultimate…