Lotta Volkova Top Designer for Balenciaga Instagram Photos Now Private

Lotta Volkova Top Designer for Balenciaga Instagram Photos Now Private

But don't worry, we have them. https://twitter.com/curioslight/status/1596812625517498368?s=20&t=7J4rU9fRFSJdXPP1tV9UKQ And it just gets weirder... https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1597108805917061120?s=20&t=bNDgKNNewGP5U5NYLcXETQ ... and weirder ... https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1597055274921373696?s=20&t=5h1thUlcgF-6aZCOoc6IBQ Very reminiscent of #pizzagate https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1596982048387760129?s=20&t=DYUCeJ_aYVseejlsQwYK6A Who are these people? https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1597051525830152192?s=20&t=A-Vl-W0tFAySazD3Q9FH1w And why…
Killer Robots In California

Killer Robots In California

(sfgate)  A new draft policy would, for the first time, allow the San Francisco Police Department's robots to use lethal force against suspects as a last-resort option. Mission Local first reported that the Law Enforcement Use of Equipment…
JFK was an Inside Job

JFK was an Inside Job

 Today marks 59 years since 11-22-63! Next year will be the 60th anniversary of the JFK mystery. Here is Rabbit Hole Radio with Popeye presenting evidence that the official…